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Babystore • Fri 09-Dec-2022

Breastfeeding positions - finding what works for you

Breastfeeding Positions – Finding What Works For You

There are no wrong or right breastfeeding positions. It all depends on whatever is convenient for you and your baby. As a breastfeeding mother, you need to know different breastfeeding methods, so you can find the one that's convenient for you at a given period. Knowing different breastfeeding methods allows you to change styles when needed, like when your baby grows bigger. 

Let's check out these four breastfeeding positions and find out the one that works for you. 

Dangle feeding

To use the dangle feeding positioning, you keep your baby lying on its back, then you crouch and keep your nipple dangling in its mouth. If you have mastitis or other similar conditions, this breastfeeding position will help you. Since you won't need your baby to touch or hold your breast to feed using this method. Although, there is no scientific backing for this yet – some moms claim that this method (because of gravity) helps to loosen blocked milk ducts. You can breastfeed your baby in this position while seated or kneeling up and lean towards your baby with your nipple dangling towards its mouth. You can also do this while almost in a lying position, but propped up by your elbows. Support yourself with feeding pillows or cushions to ease the pressure off your back and shoulders. 

Side-lying position

This position fits for a relaxed night of breastfeeding on a bed or sofa. Lie on your side and keep your baby on its side facing your belly to belly on a bed on the sofa. 

The side-lying position can be more convenient for you than a sitting position if you had a cesarean or stitches. It allows you to breastfeed your baby while in a resting position.

Upright breastfeeding or koala

With the upright or koala hold, you allow your baby to sit facing up on your thighs or your hips to feed. You can use this position for a newborn if you give enough support to keep the baby well positioned. It is also convenient for breastfeeding your baby who is a bit older and can sit comfortably and unsupported. 

This is usually the most preferred position for feeding babies with reflux or ear infections since they like to be in an upright position. It also works fine for babies with a tongue-tie condition or low muscle tone. 

Dancer hand nursing position

This position can help you deal with the problem of latching, in case your baby struggles to stay latched. Your baby may struggle with latching if it was born prematurely or has a condition like Down's syndrome, an illness, or other disabilities. With this position, you can support your baby's head and your breast. Cup your breast with your fingers underneath. Then lean forward with your thumb and index finger forming a U shape to support your baby's jaw. This way, you provide enough support for your baby to latch and feed, and you also have a good view of its latch. So, you help are sure your baby is feeding.

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