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Babystore • Fri 09-Dec-2022

Baby not sleeping well? Here's what you need to know

Baby not sleeping well? Here's what you need to know

For nursing mums, a sleeping baby equals a well-rested mum, and when this simple fact is disrupted, you have a grumpy baby, mother, and a long day of bickering, confusion, and brewing negative emotions.

 If you are grappling with getting your baby to sleep or sleep longer, you are not alone. Studies reveal that 1 in 3 mums struggle to put their baby to sleep, and some mums have a tougher time coping with the cycle.


Are you struggling with baby sleep problems? There is a lot you need to know. First off, babies have different sleep patterns depending on their age. The younger your baby, the longer they sleep for shorter bouts at a time. As they grow up, their sleep patterns change, and they accustom to sleeping for long. However, there are so many reasons your baby is not sleeping well, and here is what you need to know.


Their internal clock is not in sync with the real-time.

If your baby sleeps throughout the day but stays awake at night, you know there is a problem. Babies are just like adults when it comes to sleep patterns. When they are fully rested during the day, they will not sleep at night. If your baby is a day sleeper, get them busy or engaged, this will wear them out before bedtime. Furthermore, do not place any toy or distraction in their crib.


Your baby is ill

Stuffy nose, cough, allergy, high temperature, teething, and common irritation are reasons your baby is not be sleeping well. If you suspect your baby is ill or shows any sign of discomfort, have them checked out immediately. However, if the distress is just been cranky, massages can help relax them to sleep better.


Your baby is hungry

Babies eat a lot and at any time of the day. If your baby is a night eater, do not cut off night feeding because you want them to sleep longer. They will wake up at some point. To curb this problem, ensure the baby is well-fed and burped before bedtime. You can also use lukewarm water to bath them and dress them up in cozy clothes to enhance sleep.


Your baby cannot sleep alone.

Babies are remarkably intelligent and find it hard to readjust to situations that comfort them. If your baby is used to sleeping next to you, it will be a challenge to get them to sleep well on their own. Ensure your place them in their crib at every opportunity. However, if you share a bed, distance yourself from them. It enables them to create a sleep pattern.


Check the room temperature and comfortability.

This might sound weird, but a slight change in temperature or comfort can deter a baby from sleeping well. So if the weather is cold, keep their room cozy, warm, and comfortable. Try using baby sleeping pod for a comfortable sleep. Remember, they are coming from a comfortable place hence will want to feel that around them. Do not use your body temperature to regulate your baby’s room temperature.


Keep loud noises away.

Some babies are sensitive to their environment. Any slight noise will startle them awake. If your baby has sharp ears, avoid noises that can disrupt their sleep and prevent them from going back to sleep again.


There is no manual or particular method to help you put your baby to sleep, as babies are different and react differently to their environment. The following are basic of some sleep issues and should help you to put them to sleep easily. 


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