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Babystore • Tue 09-Jan-2024

4 Tips for Back-To-School Success

4 Tips for Back-To-School Success

If you grew up in a house like mine,  back to school was a big deal. You get a new outfit, and new school gear, you practice your new routine for a few days. Turns out, those are practical tips for starting your school year successfully. It wasn't just my mom trying to ruin the end of summer. So here are some ideas for how to have the best first day of school, and set yourself up for a year of success.

Get Your Supplies Early

Online shopping has made this a breeze, so there is no excuse not to get your supplies early. As soon as your school has given you the list of what you need for the upcoming year, log on and shop from online shops in Dubai for the best selection and pricing. Having your supplies shipped to your door takes the stress out of back-to-school shopping. You can avoid all the long lines, and the endless hours driving from store to store looking.

Get Your Supplies Early

Shop For a New Outfit

Having a killer first-day-of-school look is essential to starting the year confidently. Look for something that makes you feel good, and you will be sure to make a great first impression on everyone in the new year. Feeling good also helps you have the confidence to speak up, meet new people, and relax. Treating yourself to some new clothes also helps with the mental wrap-up of summer. It's not going to be bathing suits and shorts anymore.

Shop For a New Outfit

Plan out your lunches

Make sure that one of the supplies you've purchased is a great lunchbox, like the ones you can order online. Next, plan out your lunches. Make sure you are including a food from each dietary food group, and that everything has a place in your lunchbox. This will ensure that you are getting a nutritious meal that won't make you sleep in the afternoon. You also avoid the stress in your morning routine of raiding the pantry for food, or not having something you needed.

Plan out your lunches

Go to Bed Early 2-3 Days Before

Part of your new routine probably means adjusting to waking up earlier too. Your body has gotten used to late nights and sleeping in. Start working your body back into school day rhythm by waking up on time for school 2-3 days before the actual first day of school. This will also make you want to go to bed earlier, too. And don't hit the snooze! Going back to sleep after waking up to an alarm is actually even more confusing for our bodies. The good news is, doing this prep a few days ahead of your actual first day makes the first day much easily, and you won't be as sleepy in the afternoon.

Go to Bed Early 2-3 Days Before

Going back to school can be stressful, but it can be a lot of fun. Use these tips, get your back-to-school supplies online and you will have a stress-free beginning of the year, with lots of success to come.

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